
By Opera Software

From Opera 15 onward, Opera 11 & 12’s extension format is no longer supported, and instead, we’ve switched to Chromium’s extension model. Check out our new documentation for developing extensions for Opera 15 and higher and start building your own extensions.


A bit-masked value indicating the types of resources to apply a given URL Filter rule to. The available resource types are as follows:

Top-level documents.
Font resources referenced in CSS properties or SVG elements
Image resources referenced by <img> elements, the background attribute on various elements, or CSS properties.
Media resources referenced by <audio>, <video> or <source> elements.
Generic object resources referenced by <object> elements.
A request made by a plugin loaded by an HTML <embed> or <object> element.
Any resource not covered by the other resource types.
An HTML <meta> element with an http-equiv attribute whose value is "refresh" and a content attribute whose value contains a timeout value and optionally a URL.
Script resources referenced by <script> elements.
Stylesheet resources referenced either by <link> elements or @import directives within a stylesheet.
Resources referenced by an <frame> or <iframe> element.
A request from an XMLHttpRequest object.

This property is passed within a RuleOptions object as a parameter for URL Filter methods.


unsigned long resources


Example 1

The following example blocks content from whenever it appears as the source of a frame or iframe, e.g. a Google+ widget.

  The configuration file ('config.xml').
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget xmlns="">
    <feature name="opera:urlfilter"/>
// The background process (e.g. index.html)

// Check that the URL Filter API exists
if (typeof opera.extension.urlfilter != 'undefined') {
  // Assign the URLFilter object to a variable for efficiency
  var filter = opera.extension.urlfilter;

  // Set the options for the filter rule
  var ruleOptions = {
      resources: filter.RESOURCE_SUBDOCUMENT

  filter.block.add('||*', ruleOptions);

Example 2

This next example uses a custom function to make it easier to combine multiple resource types. In this case, it blocks all scripts, stylesheets and images from the domain.

  The configuration file ('config.xml').
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget xmlns="">
    <feature name="opera:urlfilter"/>
// The background process (e.g. index.html)

// Check that the URL Filter API exists
if (typeof opera.extension.urlfilter != 'undefined') {
  // Function for mapping filter resources
  function types(types) {
    var urlfilter = opera.extension.urlfilter;
    var contentType = 0;
    var map = {
      "other": urlfilter.RESOURCE_OTHER, // 1
      "script": urlfilter.RESOURCE_SCRIPT, // 2
      "image": urlfilter.RESOURCE_IMAGE, // 4
      "stylesheet": urlfilter.RESOURCE_STYLESHEET, // 8
      "object": urlfilter.RESOURCE_OBJECT, // 16
      "subdocument": urlfilter.RESOURCE_SUBDOCUMENT, // 32
      "document": urlfilter.RESOURCE_DOCUMENT, // 64
      "refresh": urlfilter.RESOURCE_REFRESH, // 128
      "xmlhttprequest": urlfilter.RESOURCE_XMLHTTPREQUEST, // 2048
      "objectsubrequest": urlfilter.RESOURCE_OBJECT_SUBREQUEST, // 4096
      "media": urlfilter.RESOURCE_MEDIA, // 16384
      "font": urlfilter.RESOURCE_FONT // 32768

    for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
      contentType |= map[arguments[i]];

    return contentType;

  // Set the options for the filter rule
  ruleOptions = {resources: types("script", "stylesheet", "image")};
   * This is equivalent to
   * ruleOptions = {
   *   resources: opera.extension.urlfilter.RESOURCE_SCRIPT |
   *     opera.extension.urlfilter.RESOURCE_STYLESHEET |
   *     opera.extension.urlfilter.RESOURCE_IMAGE
   * };

  opera.extension.urlfilter.block.add('||*', ruleOptions);

Note the use of || which is a hostname mark. This indicates that the subsequent characters should begin matching from any host name in the URL. For example, ||* matches,, or similar. However, it will not match

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