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This documentation relates to Opera's now deprecated .oex Extension API framework for Opera versions <= 12.15 and also provided by our OEX2NEX shim library.

For the latest Opera Extensions API documentation for Opera versions > 12.15 please consult the latest Opera Extensions API documentation online.


This property represents the title of the button (which is also visible as a tooltip when hovering over the button with a mouse).


Change the title of the button on each click.

// The background process (e.g. index.html)

// Set the button's properties
var properties = {
  disabled: false,
  title: "My Extension",
  icon: "icon.18x18.png"

// Add the button to the browser UI
var button = opera.contexts.toolbar.createItem(properties);

// Update the button title each time the button is clicked
var i = 1; 
button.addEventListener('click', handleClick, false);

function handleClick() {
  button.title = "You've clicked the button " + i + " time(s)"; 