Taking the canvas to another dimension
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:38:34 PM
Recently Opera published an experimental build on Opera Labs, with support for the video element and video in SVG. This build also includes an experimental addition to the canvas element, the 3d canvas. In order to view the demos presented here you will need to get the Opera Labs build. The build is currently only available for Windows. Mac and Linux versions should be available soon.
Since this is my first post I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Tim Johansson, and I am a core technology developer at Opera Software. I am responsible for, among other things, canvas (including the underlying vector graphics library) and image decoding.
A new addition to HTML5 is the canvas. The canvas is more or less a bitmap that you can draw on using JavaScript. The actual drawing is done by a (rendering) context. The specification includes a 2d context that must be implemented, but also allows browser vendors to add their own contexts. When I first implemented the canvas tag in Opera I though it would be cool to have a 3d context, so I added one.
In this post I will describe the 3d context I added, which is available in the recently released Opera Labs build. The context is called opera-3d and is basically Opera's version of the 3d canvas. For those of you not familiar with the canvas tag here is a crash course in using it.
- Add a <canvas></canvas> tag to your page
- Get the canvas element from a JavaScript using
or something similar. - Call
to get the context
The opera-3d context
Opera's 3d context, unlike Mozilla's, is not a straight mapping to OpenGL. We keep it on a more abstract level. The main reasons for doing this are:
- It makes it easier to implement on non-OpenGL platforms (such as D3D)
- We wanted to have some form of collision detection available
The main concept is that you work with 3D models. You create 3D models, add vertices and triangles to them and finally render them to the canvas. This is what the interface looks like.
interface CanvasRenderingContextOpera3D {
// state
void save(); // push state on state stack
void restore(); // pop state stack and restore state
// scene/frame
void beginScene(); // start rendering a new frame
void endScene(); // finish rendering of the scene and present the result
// transformations
void translate(in float x, in float y, in float z);
void scale(in float x, in float y, in float z);
void rotateX(in float rotation);
void rotateY(in float rotation);
void rotateZ(in float rotation);
// rendering operation
void drawTriangle(in float x1, in float y1, in float z1, in float tex_s1, in float tex_t1,
in float x2, in float y2, in float z2, in float tex_s2, in float tex_t2,
in float x3, in float y3, in float z3, in float tex_s3, in float tex_t3);
void draw3DModel(in Canvas3DModel model);
// create objects
CanvasTexture createTexture(in Image img);
Canvas3DModel create3DModel();
// collision detection
string checkIntersection(in float x, in float y, in float z, in float radius, in Canvas3DModel model);
// rendering state
attribute CanvasTexture texture; // current texture or null for no texture, default is null
attribute string color; // current color, default is transparent black
attribute float fov; // field of view of the scene in degrees, default is 45
attribute float nearPlane; // distance to the near clipping plane, default is 0.1
attribute float farPlane; // distance to the far clipping plane, default is 100
attribute string ztest; // "none", "less", "lessequal", "greater", "greaterequal", "equal", "notequal". Default is "lessequal"
attribute string blend; // "replace", "add", "srcalpha", "multiply". Default is "replace"
interface Canvas3DModel {
void addVertex(in float x, in float y, in float z, in float s, in float t);
void addTriangle(in integer vertex1, in integer vertex2, in integer vertex3);
interface CanvasTexture{
Let's go through the different functions in the order they appear above:
- The
functions save and restore the current rendering state. They are very similar tosave
in the 2D context. - The
functions modify the transformation matrix. The current transformation matrix will transform all vertices rendered with the 3D canvas. This includesCanvas3DModel
objects. -
are used to distinguish a frame. The canvas is only updated whenendScene
is called. When it is, the rendered image is copied to the canvas. Only the commands issued betweenbeginScene
are drawn to the canvas. -
draws a single triangle. This method is usually slow and should not be used for rendering a lot of triangles. -
renders a model previously created withcreate3DModel
to the canvas. This function is much better suited for rendering large batches of triangles. -
creates a texture object from an image object. This method will fail if the image object's dimensions are not powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc.) As with the regular canvas you can create textures from images (including SVG) or other canvases. -
creates a3DModel
object that can be built (by adding vertices and triangles) and rendered by the script. -
is a simple sphere/model collision detection function. The parameters are the sphere (centre and radius) and the model to check for collisions with the sphere. The function returns the collision point as a string when a collision occurs (the point of deepest penetration is coosen as collision point). If no collision was found the function returns an empty string instead.
Example - a rotating cube
This is the first example ever written for the opera-3d context. It creates a model, adds vertices and triangles for a cube and then renders it with different transforms. If you are using an Opera build with 3d canvas enabled you can also see the rotating cube in action. The files used for this example are the HTML file shown below and an image to use as the texture (operalogo.png in this case).
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200">
Canvas not supported!
var canvas;
var context3d;
var rotation;
var texture;
var cube;
function render(){
rotation += 2;
context3d.color = "white";
function onTick(){
function onload(){
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
context3d = canvas.getContext("opera-3d");
if (!context3d)
alert("3d canvas not supported");
logo = new Image();
logo.src = "operalogo.png";
texture = context3d.createTexture(logo);
context3d.texture = texture;
cube = context3d.create3DModel();
cube.addVertex(-1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
cube.addVertex(1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
cube.addVertex(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1);
cube.addVertex(1, -1, 1, 1, 1);
cube.addVertex(-1, 1, -1, 1, 1);
cube.addVertex(1, 1, -1, 0, 1);
cube.addVertex(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0);
cube.addVertex(1, -1, -1, 0, 0);
setInterval(onTick, 10);
document.onload = onload();
More advanced techniques
In the example above a plain textured cube, which was hard-coded in the script, was rendered. It is possible to do much more than this using the opera-3d context. Below I will describe some techniques that can be used to make more advanced examples.
DOM3 Load and save
Hard-coding models is fine for small objects, but as the
objects grow it becomes more and more difficult to hard-code
them in the script. It is possible to get around this
by converting the models to an XML format and then loading them
into the script using DOM3 load
and save
to parse the XML.
Here is a modified version of the rotating cube.
Lightmapping is one of the most famous lighting techniques. It is used in many popular games, for example the quake series. The principle is that you multiply each rendered pixel with the light value at that pixel. The light value for each pixel is pre-calculated and stored in a texture.
The opera-3d context does not have multi-texturing yet, so it
is not possible to do lightmapping in one step, but you can
achieve this effect by doing multi pass
rendering. In the first pass the scene is rendered as usual.
In the second pass ztest
is set to equal
and blend
is set to
. The scene is now rendered with the lightmap instead
of the textures and the result is a lightmapped scene.
That's it! This article has given you an introduction to the fundamentals of using the Opera 3d canvas. After reading all of this you should know enough to create some cool 3d-canvas demos. If you want to see a more advanced example you can have a look at the 3d snake implementation done by Mathieu 'p01' HENRI. I'm looking forward to seeing all the cool demos people will make! Get in touch with us to share your creations.
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Unregistered user # Friday, November 16, 2007 4:33:17 PM
Unregistered user # Friday, November 16, 2007 4:35:43 PM
Azamadt SmaguloffprofiT # Friday, November 16, 2007 8:11:07 PM
SDL 3D module layer wraps around OpenGL to render graphics, so using SDL, Opera gets (almost) direct access for OpenGL.
grafio # Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:51:51 PM
- I think there will be (or maybe there are already?) devices without OpenGL but with D3D (based on Windows Mobile for example).
- I doubt Microsoft would ever implement 3D canvas with OpenGL syntax into IE. Implementing a "neutral" higher level solution (not OpenGL, nor D3D dependent) is at least a bit possible.
- As long as 3D canvas won't be implemented into IE, the whole 3D canvas will be dead for the Web except for some limited usage (extensions/widgets etc) and MS simply won't do it if it will be tied to OpenGL. I thought the point of WHATWG was to make a real world, not idealistic specifications.
- higher level syntax for the 3d context might actually work faster in JavaScript, because things which require more CPU can be hard coded + we can have some nice not 3d rendering features like collision detection.
Excors # Saturday, November 17, 2007 6:58:28 PM
* Lighting is essential. That means vertexes need normals. addVertex(x,y,z, u,v, nx,ny,nz, ...) isn't very scalable as more vertex parameters are added - GL-style vertex arrays seem more appropriate. Real people will make models in 3D modelling programs, and export them as e.g. COLLADA, so the model-creating API should be optimised for scripts that load COLLADA-like meshes rather than for programmers making cubes by hand. (I'm a cube person myself, but I'm happier when I can load art from artists instead
* Material properties are important. Everyone likes shiny things, so you need control over specular properties of objects, and there are probably other useful properties. GL-style lots-of-global-state-variables is a pain - maybe it'd be better to have 'material' objects that hold the rendering state. (Maybe OpenGL 3 has relevant ideas?)
* I'm not sure collision detection should be mixed in with the rendering API. Collision meshes are usually simplified shapes (e.g. a cylinder instead of a humanoid) because that works better, and must be closed (else you can't say whether a point is inside or outside) whereas rendered meshes often have holes. A new non-rendering API could be optimised for collision detection, improving performance and correctness (e.g. detecting intersections between moving objects), based on primitive shapes rather than assuming arbitrary meshes - see e.g. COLLADA Physics, which provides boxes/spheres/convex-meshes/capsules/etc.
* Double-sided triangles might be annoying. When you want a textured plane, e.g. a rotating billboard, you want different textures and texture coordinates on each side, and you'd probably get nasty z-fighting issues if everything is double-sided.
* rotate[XYZ] don't look great. rotate(axis_x,y,z, angle) is more useful and not more complex than rotate[XYZ](angle). Some people will want to use quaternions, since they work much better, so the API should accept transformation matrices rather than forcing everything into Euler angles.
I don't have any well-formed ideas now, but I'll try to come up with something in the near future
-SPM-Mad # Sunday, November 18, 2007 5:43:22 PM
It is not even part of the (in my opinion useless) canvas standard, and you add 3D support?
I understood the simple bittorent support - can live with it. I understood the
Unregistered user # Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:20:06 PM
Excors # Monday, November 19, 2007 12:25:13 AM
As I understand it, there's more overlap with X3D, but it's quite similar to the overlap between canvas-2d and SVG: one is retained-mode while the other is immediate-mode, so they are quite different concepts and suit different tasks and require different compromises. (VRML is just an older version of X3D, so it's not very interesting now.)
X3D is large and complex and (I expect) it will never be implemented natively in browsers - it's too much code, and it'd be a nightmare to get interoperability between different browsers - so it will always rely on plugins. A thin wrapper over OpenGL/DirectX is much more likely to be implemented natively in browsers, given that Mozilla and Opera are already experimenting with exactly that. Native support beats plugins (for ease of deployment, security, portability, integration with the rest of the page, etc) - you have to give up X3D if you want native support, but for many cases that's a worthwhile tradeoff. (And you can always implement a subset of X3D on top of the canvas-3d API with scripts, which avoids the bloat and browser-interoperability problems of implementing X3D natively.)
I'd prefer to copy concepts from existing well-known immediate-mode APIs like Direct3D and OpenGL ES rather than reinvent a totally new way, though.
Tim Johanssontimjoh # Monday, November 19, 2007 1:39:30 PM
What I mean about this not being direct mapping to OpenGL is that it is not pure OpenGL mappings for ecmascript. It is not intended as being a complete 3d api where you can do everything, it's ment to be a small light weight api for adding some (simple) 3d graphics or games on a web page.
The 3d canvas is no more persistant than OpenGL, it uses double buffering which is also very common when using OpenGL.
I only added what I needed to do some simple demos. There are some things not included. I think you spotted a few things that would be nice to have in future versions
You can do light mapping without vertex normals but dynamic lights would require normals.
COLLADA is an XML based format, so it would be possible to load COLLADA files using DOM3 load and save, you don't have to edit the XML files by hand
Collision between dynamic objects is ususally done with simplified shapes, and that makes a lot of sense. Collision between objects and the static world is usually done with simplified shape colliding with triangle meshes though. In the case of static world it is a good idea to share the vertex/triangle array between the rendering code and the collision code, which is the reason the collision detection is in the canvas. (The current collision detection only supports spheres as simplified shapes, and has no dynamic object / dynamic object collision).
This is a build with some features we are experimenting with, not an official Kestrel build. Being really fast and resource friendly is of course important.
I think you might be overestimating the complexity of the 3d canvas. I would not call it a 3d engine, it's just bindings to the platforms 3d apis. If this build did not have video support you would probably not notice any increase in size at all, and it uses no resources unless you are viewing a page with 3d on it.
Unregistered user # Monday, November 19, 2007 2:19:54 PM
grafio # Monday, November 19, 2007 3:11:41 PM
IMO graphics is supposed to be made in graphics applications not written by hand in notepads. Then you can export it to any XML format and use in canvas (writing an import function is easy if it's a mesh of triangles).
Unregistered user # Tuesday, November 20, 2007 2:46:06 PM
Excors # Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:46:13 PM
As far as I'm aware, not by any web browser vendors - people who download e.g. Opera or Firefox won't be able to see anything 3D, without downloading plugins. That means web developers can't assume their users will have that feature, and so most won't make content that relies on it. A native API in browsers would be usable in more situations, since there's a ready-built audience of tens of millions of users; but X3D won't be implemented natively, so a different (lower level, less featureful, easier to implement) API is required, which is what canvas-3d should aim for.
"As for it being complex, that's the reason why there are several profiles (Core, Interactive, etc) so that you're able to support only a subset, yet being fully compatible with the standard and the other browsers."
The subsets are still complex, compared to the bare minimum that browsers could implement while still providing equivalent power - e.g. the Interactive profile has various things (I see event model, non-triangular faces, skyboxes, interpolators, etc) that are not trivial and could be handled by scripting instead (so then browsers wouldn't have to worry about implementation cost or interoperability in those areas).
I assume it would be possible to develop a new minimal-but-still-useful profile, and to specify all the details and error-handling that are currently vague (since experience suggests that unspecified behaviour on the web is a major problem compared to less-open environments); but it seems better if the browsers just implement a minimal low-level interface and let JavaScript implement X3D viewers on top of that, since that makes browser interoperability more realistic while still allowing the easier-to-use high-level X3D support for those who want it.
"Things like having to add triangles one by one is too much code just for describing a cube."
I think integration with 3D modelling tools is critical for most non-trivial use cases, and then you're never writing any code to describe shapes. But some cases do just need a cube, and then you really do want some higher level interface, like "<Box .../>" or "var model = new c3d.Box(...)". I just think that should be implemented in JS, on top of a low-level API provided by the browser, because otherwise it won't be feasible for browser developers to do this at all. (But I could be convinced otherwise
Unregistered user # Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:33:41 PM
Tim Johanssontimjoh # Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:54:11 PM
For the 3d canvas itself there is no dependency on DirectX. There is an OpenGL implementation, which is actually the original implementation and much older than the D3D implementation. Linux and Mac builds will use the OpenGL implementation.
The problem with the OpenGL implementation was that many people did not install updated drivers from the graphics card manufacturer, which meant the 3d canvas would run in software. This problem is avoided by building with DirectX, since the drivers Microsoft ships with Windows supports Direct3D but not OpenGL.
If you are talking about this specific build requiring DirectX to run, this dependency is usually easier to resolve than the dependency on updated drivers we would have with OpenGL. If there is some problem with having DirectX as a dependency for the executable we will most likely deal with that some way if and when we include this in official builds.
Mathieu 'p01' HENRIp01 # Wednesday, November 21, 2007 2:11:36 AM
As for the API itself, I know that OpenGL (ES) is THE multi-platform standard and doing a 1 on 1 mapping is, apparently, dead simple.
However I have two concerns with doing a 1 on 1 mapping of OpenGL (ES) or any other 3D API:
1. such 3D standards/APIs are still pretty big and not really web-ish. Web developers might have a hard time getting their head around their ~hundred(s) of methods.
2. bare in mind that Opera, and web browsers in general, exist on MANY platforms, some of which do not have OpenGL ... think Wii or set top boxes.
That's why I think a high level API is perfectly OK. Of course it needs to be more advanced than it is now ( for one, normal mapping is a must have ). Which 3D API ( OpenGL, DirectX, ... ) is actually used internally is not important as long as it works reliably on all supported platforms.
As for the authoring tools, JavaScript libraries can be done to import different 3D scenes file formats and generate various primitives ( Cube, Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Utah Teapot, Stanford Bunny, ... )
Unregistered user # Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:39:27 AM
Excors # Wednesday, November 21, 2007 1:51:15 PM
Is there one that is recommended? I would assume the interoperability between different libraries is not good enough to make web browsers sufficiently happy (since when you have tens of millions of users, they will poke all the possible edge cases and rely on the behaviour in those cases), so it would only work decently if everyone built on the same library. It would have to be C++, portable, open source, and non-(L)GPL, which seems to limit the options significantly, but I don't know if there's anything left that would be suitable.
Looking at e.g. X3DToolKit as one example (under a licence that presumably Opera couldn't use), there's ~50K lines of code and the compiled library is ~400KB compressed - increasing a browser's download size by 10% for one feature is not acceptable. Are other X3D implementations much smaller? (Mozilla has about 5K lines for its OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 wrappers combined, and I expect opera-3d is much smaller than that.)
Unregistered user # Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:23:24 PM
Excors # Thursday, November 22, 2007 1:41:39 AM
It matters to Mozilla, since they want their code to be usable under the MPL licence - http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/cairo/2004-August/001744.html indicates problems with LGPL. (As far as I can tell, that was resolved by dual-licensing Cairo as MPL+LGPL.)
"You don't think that is worth 400kB?"
400kB becomes hundreds of terabytes given the number of users, so it's not a totally trivial cost
(And I still think it'd be interesting to implement X3D in JS on top of a GL-like API - maybe I'll try that some time...)
Haavardhaavard # Monday, November 26, 2007 2:41:26 PM
Originally posted by -SPM-Mad:
In an experimental build. Why are you assuming that it cannot become part of a standard?
Did anything happen? Did it stop being resource-friendly?
I don't think support for a new Web technology automatically makes Opera slower and less resourse friendly, unless you are viewing a page which makes heavy use of these new technologies, of course.
Should we stop implementing CSS, HTML, SVG, etc. too (or perhaps remove support for something), to keep Opera smaller than it is now?
threetimes # Monday, November 26, 2007 5:02:03 PM
grafio # Monday, November 26, 2007 5:58:44 PM
Unregistered user # Monday, November 26, 2007 11:17:25 PM
Excors # Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:14:39 AM
Unregistered user # Tuesday, December 4, 2007 5:26:29 PM
Excors # Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:40:25 AM
What makes them useless for that? Is it just the lack of users who have X3D browsers installed, or is it some other aspect of the implementations, or some other aspect of X3D's design?
Excors # Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:46:32 AM
It can render with both Opera's and Firefox's systems. The main difference is lighting: in Firefox it's done per-pixel, and nicely and flexibly with fragment shaders; in Opera it's per-vertex (hence uglier) and a slightly nasty hack, with a precomputed 2D image of the diffuse+specular colours, and then (slow) dynamic calculation of per-vertex lighting which is mapped onto the texture coordinates to get smooth shading.
Unregistered user # Tuesday, December 18, 2007 4:46:06 PM
Excors # Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:47:11 PM
But is it a big task to write OpenGL ES bindings that are implemented on top of DirectX? (I'm not at all familiar with DX, so I don't know what problems would come up - I expect it has pretty much the same features, and maybe there are only a few rough edges where it wouldn't fit the GL API neatly, and we can try to fix those few issues instead of making a totally new API; or maybe there's a fundamental problem somewhere. (Programmable shaders might be a fundamental problem - translating GLSL to HLSL is not trivial). Maybe the OpenGL 3 API will solve some of the difficulties, too. I really don't know, though I'd like to
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. You can implement matrix maths in JavaScript easily, and you won't get much better performance by making a call across an API into the browser's C++ code because of the call overhead; so that's not a problem. The inability to use matrix transformations is a bit painful (it's not great fun decomposing matrices into scale/rotations/translation) - do you mean that, or something else?
Unregistered user # Tuesday, December 25, 2007 10:15:13 AM
Unregistered user # Wednesday, December 26, 2007 5:10:32 PM
Øyvind ØstlundNoteMe # Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:12:53 AM
It should be easy enough to do, but the biggest problem between DirectX and OpenGL would be that the coordinate system is left handed vs. right handed. So you would either have to turn it around in the wrapper or make sure the users are aware of it while using the wrapper.
- ØØ -
Mathieu 'p01' HENRIp01 # Friday, December 28, 2007 1:47:50 PM
Also the problem is not just OpenGl - DirectX wrapper, that shouldn't be too huge a task, but proprietary 3D Api ( say on Wii and DS ) to OpenGl or whatever 3D Api a standard body agree on for 3D Canvas.
Øyvind ØstlundNoteMe # Friday, December 28, 2007 2:33:00 PM
How would that help? It is the Z axis that is turned around, not the X nor Y axis. And rendering to a back buffer before bit blocking would have a huge impact on FPS compared to just add an extra translation matrix to the world->view matrix. It's much better to push work up the 3d pipeline, than pushing it down ending up doing an other rendering pass.
- ØØ -
Mathieu 'p01' HENRIp01 # Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:51:25 PM
Henry James Wilkinsonhenryjames # Sunday, December 30, 2007 3:53:33 PM
deborahwebb # Tuesday, February 12, 2008 12:11:47 PM
annmacgiff # Tuesday, February 12, 2008 1:12:29 PM
Ilgaz # Sunday, February 24, 2008 7:26:50 PM
All Nvidia, ATI, Matrox drivers have very good opengl functionality coming with them.
This implementation (if ships with direct3d) will get wasted because of thousands of "directx" postings and they won't be trolls.
No need to re-invent the wheel, use Shockwave Plugin example. It has a convenient menu.
1) Use Hardware OpenGL renderer
2) Use Hardware Direct3D renderer
3) Use Software rendering
I didn't use windows for ages so I can't remember exact sentences but, its settings are like that.
Direct3D has no place in any platform except Windows (CE). Remember how many platforms Opera has to run and there is opengl functionality even on phones, java.
Unregistered user # Saturday, May 10, 2008 1:55:47 AM
Unregistered user # Thursday, July 3, 2008 4:52:43 PM
Charles McCathieNevilechaals # Friday, July 18, 2008 1:59:57 PM
We will indeed work with anyone interested in a 3D standard with high performance, but when it is ready for that to happen. As you probably know, Opera is involved in a lot of standardisation work already in all kinds of areas.
But this stuff is really not yet ready for standardisation. The 2-D canvas API is in the process of standardisation because it has been implemented by several browsers, and is in real-world use.
Releasing an experimental version is a way to give people some idea of whether they have an application for it - and for us to see if people do or not. Because if they don't, then releasing something that our developers are playing aroudn with, so that other developers can play with it too, is better than sitting on it, and better than taking resources away from more urgently important work for something that is still experimental work.
That's why we have labs.opera
And for those who are wondering, this is not something designed to compete with X3D any more than our canvas implementation is designed to compete with our SVG implementation. Both of those are in the core of our browser, in release versions. They are complementary technologies that serve different purposes.
Jacques Dumasj_sk # Saturday, July 19, 2008 8:46:29 AM
Leonardo Alassialeoalassia # Tuesday, July 22, 2008 6:41:24 PM
Leonardo Alassialeoalassia # Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:13:42 PM
Mathieu 'p01' HENRIp01 # Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:50:14 PM
Leonardo Alassialeoalassia # Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:14:08 PM
but I can't place the camera in a correct position to see the teatpot!
if you place it in
you can see something...
(copy the canvas3d_example2.htm and replace cube.xml by my teatpot.xml)
in http://www.leoalassia.com.ar/aes2opera/index.phpt you can see my code
(you have to export some 3d object to .AES file)
Leonardo Alassialeoalassia # Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:18:28 PM
and add this line into onload function:
Leonardo Alassialeoalassia # Wednesday, July 23, 2008 3:14:42 AM
can you give me more information about u and v parameters? because what I know is that an UV map is applied to a face, so I don´t understand how to calculate it to a vertex